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Dear Dance Families,


After two weeks of being closed, decisions have been made that have changed the course of the dance season. We have decided to continue virtual dance classes until it is deemed safe for physical classes to resume. 


The instructors and I will work this month on providing you with the same content quality that you would be receiving if you were in class. This may include learning new steps at home, songs, tutorials, short combinations, and adding on your recital dance. 


We encourage interaction by you all to post videos and comments to classmates and teachers in order to continue building relationships until we are together again in person.  


Regarding recital, our goal is to do so as planned. (Any fees associated with recital will not be posted or charged until after this is confirmed.) The alternative plan would simply be an in-class performance. This will be dependent on when it is deemed safe to gather together at a venue. 


Thank you for your loyalty and continued support during this time. Through it all, our acquired motto stands true even through this pandemic, and temporary alternative: that we will provide a platform for the community of families and students for fitness, friendship, and fun.


See you on the virtual dance floor,


Nadia and the Dance Dayz Team

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