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Sick/ Absence Policy

Since becoming very ill from children coming to class sick in previous weeks, there is now a strictly enforrced sick policy. If your child has a runny nose, cough, nausea, fever or ANY flu-like symptoms in the last 24 hours. DO NOT BRING THEM TO CLASS. Your child WILL NOT BE allowed in the dance room. Please be courteous and follow this simple policy. If you choose to bring your child it will be at the instructor's discretion to let the child participate-- please be kind and don't put your instructor in the position to have to send you home. 

We have a very generous absence policy. You may make up any missed class hours in another class in your age group. We offer many classes during the week so you usually have several options. There is no deadline for the make-up hours, you may do so at any time. 

I know dance class is fun for your child, and time to catch up with the other moms is pleasant; but please instead of spreading germs and risking your child's own health, stay home and come to another class to make up class time when your child is well-- all of our classes are fun and all of our parents are nice :)

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